Monday, September 14, 2009

More wreckings!

Heavens, I didnt realise how busy my life could become! Between the usual daily chores, health issues and PC has been very hectic, to say the least. And then I also spent a few days over at my mums! Okay... down to the business at hand...

I have done a few more wreckings over a few days interval... although the photos were not taken on the actual days of wreckings! lol

First up, I did some ripping... well, as much as my poor hands could. lol

Circles? Well, I am no artist...but I did try... even coloured some in! lol

Aeroplanes.... reminded me of my son Sven... he made plenty of these...but they came
out better than mine!

My flowers have also dried nicely, and I also did a trace of my left hand. Little finger is really crooked....and not a mistake in alignment! lol

Then the journal joined me in the shower. I actually forgot it there afterwards, and the next morning when Trevor went to shower, he asked me if he was supposed to also shower with my journal... ROFL!!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Some More Wreckings!

As soon as I recovered enough, I attempted some more wreckings. I have to say, it is nice to just do some things in complete abandon and not have to worry how or what they turn out like. lol!! Although, I do have problems with my hands and wrists, I can still hold a pen, pencil or crayon for a while in my hand, with lots of rest inbetween though! A good excuse I suppose for a break! LOL!!


In South Africa we dont usely have stickers on our fruit packages, well, not on those that they sell us. Not sure how our exported products look! My mom helped me out with this one. She had some stickers that she had bought for a grandchild some time ago still lying around, and gave them to me. So here are my fruit stickers...albeit such perfect ones!


Ah, the stamp collection. I dont receive much mail, and that which does come, usually has a computer generated stamp on it. Then I remembered I had the envelopes from my internet friends cards and parcels they sent me. So here is some of my stamp collections.


I am still busy with decorating my strips to tear! My ecxuse for the delay is "resting" between wrecking! lol So when this is finished I will post an update of it!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I have been very ill the past few days, so I havent done any "wreckings".

Slowly but surely, I am able to use my arms and especially my hands again at least, so I will be able to get some more done, hopefully over the next few days, depending on how many spoons I have left over! LOL

Amazing how one needs our "hands" to do a lot of things! We sometimes take them for granted.

Friday, August 21, 2009

First Wreckings!

Oh this is such fun, and so satisfying...especially when the mood suits the wrecking! LOL!!

I started to give it my own personal look! Will be adding more stuff to the front as I find things I like!

And now for some minor details....

Seeing that Trevor and I were celebrating our 32nd wedding anniversary and we were having a nice barbecue, just the two of us...I took the journal outside and put some nice hot coals on its pages.... LOL

This so reminded me of my childhood! I loved colouring-in books, although I am not good at drawing...I did do my best! It depicts peace and quiet...just me and my dog!

Picked some flowers from the bush in my front garden. Its called "Yesterday, today and forever" and it was planted by my late mother-in-law, many years ago!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Journal has arrived!

Pictures before opening the parcel up!

And now the fun begins...!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Its arriving tomorrow!!

I am so excited tonight! Trevor got an email to say that my journal arrives tomorrow. So I have to be at home to receive. I am so looking forward to it. Must just remember to take a pic before I tear the poor parcel open though!

Will be posting my first pics up tomorrow sometime... YAY!!!!!
Tomorrow the FUN begins....!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Order is being processed...!!! YAY!!

We had a public holiday in South Africa yesterday, so I wasnt able to check/trace the order. But today, it says the Journal is ordered from the supplier...

YAY, it is being processed! Oooh, I need emoticons here... like DANCE, JUMP, BOUNCE, HAPPY... !!!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

My sanctuary...

I went and got my sanctuary all neat and tidy and ready now. It is a little table that stands in Sven and Sharan's old room, and I used to have my PC there many moons ago, but unfortunately cannot sit at it for long periods of time.

So it has been since then, a place where I make my greeting cards and wrap gifts, and keep all my little knick knacks and such. The cards on the wall are cards I particularly keep because they are from some of my internet friends that I have made over the past few years.

The next time I sit here will be when my parcel arrives! I feel like a child waiting for father christmas to come down the chimney!

Friday, August 7, 2009

The excitement of waiting.....!!

I have ordered a copy of "Wreck this Journal". I am so very excited about it. Hubby asked me why did I want to "wreck" it! I chuckled and said: "Honey, it isnt exactly meaning "wreck like in destroy", it is something that I have never done before and I have never been good at keeping a diary/journal for longer than perhaps a month! lol..

It will arrive within two weeks, and then I am going to put up my first pics! I must say thank you to Fia for introducing it to me by way of her own "Wreck this Journal". Trevor is leaving his digital camera for me to use everyday too! I am soooooo excited...and feel like I have something else to keep me busy...besides sims! But that isnt the subject of conversation for this blog anyhow!

Okay, lets many more sleeps............!!!! (Sigh)